According to news, the NSW Government has outlined its roadmap out of lockdown when the state reaches a vaccination rate of 70 per cent of eligible citizens who are fully vaccinated. And this is the sign for us to get back to the office.
After 18 months of surviving the coronavirus pandemic, the NSW Government decided to open up and adopt a new normal living with the COVID model. It’s almost three months since the lockdown started, and work from home is compulsory. So, what should you prepare before getting back to work? Apart from getting proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations and preparing necessary items, including masks and gloves. And last but not least, the workplace, where you are going to spend most of the time on a date.
Have you ever thought about how messy your office would be without cleaning for 3 months?
This blog will indicate why it’s important that your office should get a good cleaning and how to keep your office always dirt-free and fresh.
Benefits of a clean and tidy workplace

One of the most common sources of workplace stress is a crowded desk. Productivity is a byproduct of happy workers in organised environments. Have you ever wasted too much time looking for something that is so hard to locate? When you multiply those minutes by the number of employees, you can see how much time is wasted each day dealing with the repercussions of an unclean office.
Enhanced Mood
Because they will ultimately feel more comfortable in a well-kept space, a clean working environment can raise your employees' mood while boosting their productive performance. It may even make it easier for them to work longer hours, when necessary, because of the amount of comfort they are enjoying at work.
Reduce Risk
Cleanliness can save lives in addition to reducing illnesses among your personnel. For example, in the event of a fire, you don't want obstructions such as boxes in corridors to slow down your personnel as they exit the facility. Moreover, you also avoid things, including old cardboard boxes and paper to cause a fire. Therefore, cleaning your building on a regular basis might help you stay on top of any issue that might arise.
Cleaning routine

Keeping your equipment clean is something that is often overlooked. Even though we all know about that, most people still ignore it. Not only should your communal equipment (Printers, photocopiers, fax machines, etc) be sanitised regularly they should also be cleaned and maintained to prevent breakages, resulting in losses in efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, all electrical machines need to be dusted regularly to prevent fires and other damages.
A cleaning regimen would go a long way towards ensuring that a business organisation is spotless at all times, and this could simply mean keeping the break room clean and orderly and eating just in the break area. It is suggested to post a sign in the restroom requesting that everyone wash their hands before leaving.
According to a research report, every office should be deep cleaned at least twice a year, or even once depending on the company budget. However, the most utilised option is every three months for the cleaning.
However, having continued office cleaning services is one of the best things that any company can do to ensure that their premises are clean at all times. While some companies prefer to handle this duty in-house, a good office cleaning service provider is worth their weight in gold.
Blue Clean cleaners are COVID-safe qualified and reliable, who can help you with all of your cleaning concerns.
